The Columbiana County Educational Service Center is an Authorized National Webcheck Location.

Call to Schedule an Appointment
Please call us at 330-424-9591 to schedule your appointment! Press 1 to reach our fingerprinting department.
Office hours are 8AM - 4PM.

Fill out a Background Check Form
To ensure a background check is completed properly, please print and complete the first page of the Background Check Form in it's entirety before arriving to the appointment. Waiver information on the second page will be completed during the appointment.
If it is not possible to complete the form ahead of time, we would be happy to provide a physical copy at our office prior to the day of the appointment.

Review form with Employer / Agency
In order to accurately complete the Background Check Form, please review the steps below:
Ohio Revised Codes (ORC) or "Reason Codes" are necessary to complete a background check. Clients will need to work with their employer/agency to obtain the proper BCI and/or FBI ORC codes.
If the employer/agency does not know which code(s) to use, they will need to obtain that information for the client. BCI&I can be reached at 855-224-6446. A link to current codes is available here: FBI Codes, BCI Codes
School employees will have their codes provided for them by the ESC at the time of their appointment.
If the wrong codes are used, a secondary background check will need to be completed at the client's expense, so please be sure to double check!
Be sure to have the correct mailing address for where the results need to be sent. If a direct copy is required, please make sure it is properly marked on the form!
If the client does not have the information needed to complete the form, the appointment may need to be rescheduled.

Bring the following to your appointment:
Completed Background Check Form
Driver's License or State ID
Social Security Number (physical card not required)
Method of Payment (check, credit/debit card, or exact dollar amount ONLY)
$35 for the BCI State Background Check
$35 for the FBI Federal Background Check
Other Information:
We are not permitted to complete an FBI background check for an Out-Of-State Employer or Licensing Agency.
You must have the FBI completed in the State in which you are being employed or licensed.
Please visit National WebCheck Locations in Ohio to search for other WebCheck locations.
For any other questions, please call The Ohio Attorney General’s Bureau of Criminal Investigation at 855-224-6446.